
UCEA Projected 2012 Budget

2012 Revenue
Membership Dues $6,696.00
Book Fair $590.00
Total Revenue $7,286.00

2012 Expenses
Treasurer Bond $100.00
Business Renewal $10.00
Employee Spotlight $130.00
Website Domain $100.00
Discount Cards $150.00
Parties $7,500.00
Total Expenses $7,990.00

Previous Balance $3,341.28
Projected Income $7,286.00
Projected Expenses $7,990.00
Remaining Balance $2,637.28


Blood Drive on April 11th

There is a blood drive coming up on April 11th with Mountainstar Blood Services.
It will take place from 7:30-11:30 in room 1600 of the Health and Justice Building.
We encourage all UCEA members to participate and invite your family and friends to come as well!